@article{aileni_multidimensional_2024, title = {Multidimensional analysis of textiles coated with electroactive polymers for actuators}, volume = {75}, issn = {12225347}, url = {https://www.revistaindustriatextila.ro/images/2024/5/003%20RALUCA%20AILENI%20INDUSTRIA%20TEXTILA%20no.5_2024.pdf}, doi = {10.35530/IT.075.05.202332}, abstract = {This paper presents a multidimensional analysis of textiles coated with conductive polymers for actuators. The purpose of using multidimensional scaling analysis is to compare similarities and dissimilarities between conductive textiles obtained through conductive polymeric film deposition to observe the optimal value for electrical resistance and to select an adequate method to achieve conductive fabric using different polymers (polyethylene glycol, polyvinyl alcohol or polyvinylidene fluoride) and metal microparticles (copper or nickel). The multidimensional analysis is based on mapping a series of material properties from a proximity matrix (similarities or dissimilarities) between these properties. Multidimensional scaling allows rebuilding the exact map of the values (within approximately a symmetry or rotation). To fit dissimilarity or similarity matrices for multiple variables into one common space estimating the weight parameters for each variable, the INDSCAL model (individual differences multidimensional scaling) was used.}, number = {05}, urldate = {2024-10-28}, journal = {Industria Textila}, author = {Aileni, Raluca Maria and Stroe, Cristina}, month = oct, year = {2024}, pages = {550--555}, }