Special issues

Call for papers
We are currently inviting submissions for upcoming special issue: Advanced textile technologies

Issue 1/2026 of the Industria Textila journal will be a special issue with the topic Advanced textile technologies. Interested authors are welcome to submit their articles on this special topic, until August 2025.
Guest Editor: Dr. Huipu Gao, Department of Textile Development & Marketing, Fashion Institute of Technology, State University of New York, USA

The topic includes but is not limited to following fields:
○ High-performance textiles
○ Protective clothing
○ Nanotechnology in textiles
○ Environmental-friendly practices in the textile industry
○ Smart textiles
○ Textile testing technologies

Submission Process
Submit Special Issue articles online through manuscript submission, review and editorial tracking system for quality and quick review processing at manuscriptmanager.net/it.

Special issue on Textiles for human performance
Guest Editor: Lec. Alexandra De Raeve - HOGENT University of Applied Science and Arts, Belgium
Issue 1/2025 of the Industria Textila journal is a special issue with the topic Textiles for human performance. The topic includes but is not limited to following fields:
○ Ergonomic requirements
○ Thermophysiological comfort
○ Sizing and fit
○ Active cooling systems
○ Aerodynamics and hydrodynamics
○ Compression
○ Exoskeletons

Special issue on Smart and high functional textiles
Guest Editor: Dr. Adnan Mazari, Department of Clothing, Technical University of Liberec, Czech Republic
Issue 1/2024 of the Industria Textila journal is a special issue with the topic Smart and high functional textiles. The topic includes but is not limited to following fields:
○ Smart Textile
○ High Functional Textiles
○ Advanced textile
○ E-textile
○ Flexible electronics
○ Energy harvesting fibres

Special issue on Digital transformation
Guest Editor: Associate Prof. Hong Yan, College of Textile and Clothing Engineering, Soochow University, China
Issue 1/2023 of the Industria Textila journal is a special issue with the topic Digital transformation. The topic includes but is not limited to following fields:
○ Intelligent and digital development (design, pattern, colour)
○ 3D simulation
○ Human health
○ E-textiles
○ Human factor digitalization
○ Intelligent and digital management (production, supply chain, branding)
○ Smart garment

Special issue on Biotechnology and protection against hazards
Guest Editor: Dr. Aminoddin Haji, Phd. Msc. Bsc, Textile Chemistry and Fiber Science Assistant Professor, Textile Engineering Department, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran
Issue 1/2022 of the Industria Textila journal was a special issue with the topic Biotechnology and protection against hazards. The topic included but was not limited to following fields:
○ Nanoparticles and nanotechnology
○ Biodegradation
○ Human health
○ Safe and healthy working environment
○ Workers and citizens protection

Special issue on Circular economy
Issue 1/2021 of the Industria Textila journal was a special issue with the topic Circular economy. The topic included but was not limited to following fields:
○ Recyclability/Upcycling
○ Green technologies
○ Waste issues
○ Social impacts
○ Environmental issues
○ New trends in textiles

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